Passenger Reviews


Marco Grippa

over 4 years ago

2 / 10

TACV Cabo Verde Airlines review by Marco

I was left in Cabo Verde with no flight to came back!! I have paid the ticket, the flight was cancelled. On the next flight, they closed the check-in because they gave about 150 tickets for a plane with 100 seats. Then, they disappeared. No answer to email and to claim. Nothing. I had to buy a flight with TAP to go back home. I never saw something like that in more than 20 years of travelling all around the world. Now, they delete comments in their facebook page to hide all the rage of the passengers in similar situation, every day! Local people not always write complains here, the real amount of passengers left without a flight is much higher than you might see. Do not fly with TACV for any reason. Don't take the risk! An operator in Malpensa airport (Milan, Italy) told me that is the worst company operating in Milan.


Eve Mbaye

over 4 years ago

2 / 10

TACV Cabo Verde Airlines review by Eve

The first leg of the trip saw my son stranded in Cape Verde for over 14 hrs. His plane arrived late and staff left all passengers overnight with no announcements whatsoever. Also there was no entertainment or hot food served on this trans-Atlantic flight from DC! His return was rescheduled 3 times with a two day differential and the last two reschedules happening on the day of the flight. When he finally arrived at the airport he was told that Cabo Verde had changed his flight to another airline which had already departed. They never sent us notification of this change. We had to end up buying another ticket on another airline. The desk agent even went on to say that his original flight was not even one they had. It was a ghost flight. Never Again!



over 7 years ago

2 / 10

TACV Cabo Verde Airlines review by Jair 2017-02-08

My fiance and I flew with TACV a few weeks ago and it was by far the worst airline we've ever traveled with! We paid over 1k for each ticket and clearly did not get our money's worth. The seats were crammed and uncomfortable and there were no tv screens despite the long flight. The flight attendants were very assertive and rude. We were appalled by the bad customer service provided by this airline staff. I pressed the assistant light and asked one of the male attendants for some water and he rudely told me that I could go get it myself in the back of the aircraft!I was perplexed! Isn't it their responsibility to assist the passengers and ensure their safety and avoid traffic in the isles of the aircraft? Another flight attendant roughly tapped the top of my fiance's seat and rudely gestured for her to push her seat up so the passenger behind her could use his food tray. Not only does that show the hostility of the airline staff, but also proves the lack of room since the food trays cannot be opened when the seat in front of you is reclined. To conclude this review, we would consider taking a boat next time we visit Cape Verde as opposed to flying with TACV airlines.



almost 8 years ago

2 / 10

TACV Cabo Verde Airlines review by christopher 2016-11-02

I booked my flights for January 2017 between Praia and Maio in June 2016. Without telling me they changed the schedule including the dates twice making it impossible for me to make my connections. It's a good job that for some reason I checked recently. As I was trying to sort out my other flights to fit they changed the schedule again. This was the last straw and I cancelled the booking asking for a refund. That was two weeks ago and no refund has arrived. When I chased them up I was told they'd do it "soonest" whatever that means. Be aware that if you book with them you are likely to have real problems. It's not really surprising that they're broke. It was rumoured that the Canary Islands airline Binter would be taking them over but it seems that the Cape Verde government have blocked it. They'd rather see their hopeless airline go bust than lose face it seems. It's such a shame that such a wonderful part of the world that could have a thriving tourist economy is being ruined by such a dreadful airline.



almost 9 years ago

4 / 10

TACV Cabo Verde Airlines review by Helio 2016-01-05

I have use TACV in several occasions and the airline get's worst by day. The customer service is horrible except for the flight attendant. In addition to the exorbitant rate they charge for the tickets, in most cases the employees steal from your luggage's. The customer service isn't consistent. Unless you know someone that personally works for the airline, be prepared to go through your worst nightmare. Your flight is guaranteed to be delayed. It is impossible to make your connecting flights. On top of that, nothing printed on your ticket is completely accurate (I believe this to be TACV employees having access to the data base in which they can alternate the information to reflect someone's booking after the flight is full). The favoritism is over the top. I was born in Cape Verde and have visited two times since I moved to the United States. I love to go back, but I never fly with TACV. I have never met a single person that had good things to say about this airline.



over 9 years ago

3 / 10

TACV Cabo Verde Airlines review by Pia 2015-06-24

Worst ever. I agree with Maria who used TACV in 2014. It hasn't changed since. We had the same experience. Never ever travel to Cabo Verde with this company. You will only be disappointed because you will never make your next flight unless you have more than 3 days in between. We have lost a lot of money because we didn't make it to the next flight which we had to book again, hotelrooms we didn't use and we had to book again because on top of it all they got us to miss the flight the day after, after informing us different. The holiday startet nice but it ended as a disaster. Never ever book with this company. Take another company if you really want to visit these islands or don't if you have a lot of time. Even the taxidriver I talked to wouldn't use this company if he would be able to pay it.



over 10 years ago

5 / 10

TACV Cabo Verde Airlines review by Maria 2014-04-03

I would like to let everyone know how TACV treated us during our trip. On Friday the 21st of February, the day we were supposed to leave to go to Cape Verde, we didn't. After arriving to Logan Airport in Boston, we checked in and were then notified to return the next day at 7am to catch our flight to Cape Verde due to mechanical problems. The plane needed to wait for a part to come in from Florida. We ended up staying in a hotel in Chelsea, MA but while still at the airport getting more information on our flight, a lady told her fellow workers that they shouldn't be telling any other passengers about the free hotel vaulter and they should just tell everyone to go back home. On Saturday, we arrived at Logan Airport at 7am just like we were told and waited until 9am to board. We boarded sometime around 9 to 9:30 and didn't leave until 10:15. The airplane ended up waiting for people who were late. Saturday night, we arrived in Praia around 9pm Cape Verde time, and were then told that since we missed our flight the day before, we would have to wait until the next day because the plane can't land in Beila at night. On Sunday, we arrived back at the airport in Praia and caught our flight to Beila after 1pm. We arrived safely to our family and had an amazing time with them. Sadly, our 6 day vacation was cut short and we weren't able to do everything we had planned. On Thursday the 27th, the day we were supposed to catch our flight home, we missed it because we were late. The boarding time on our boarding pass said 9:30am and the departure time said 1pm. My aunts and I needed to see our grandmother in the hospital before we left so we went to see her. We were back inside the airport before 12:30pm that day and everyone kept telling us to run before we missed our flight. All 3 of us ran as fast as we could. We got our passports stamped, went through security and got to the doors where we would just go through in order to get on the airplane. We were then notified by the TACV staff that we couldn't get on the plane. The doors were wide open and the stairs were on the plane. 15 minutes later, the stairs were removed and we watched the plane take off. During those 15 minutes I'm sure we would of had the chance to board. The TACV staff told us that they would send out one of the guys to tell the pilot that we had arrived but instead they just stood there and did nothing. Another lady told us that she would get our luggage off the flight, but instead of following through with what they said, they all stood there doing nothing. There were at least 9 of them there just laughing and telling us to return next Thursday. I cried. I should of been let on the plane. I had nothing. I missed school the next day. And I didn't even had a toothbrush to brush my teeth, elastics for my braces, my hand brace for my broken hand, or even my glasses so I could see. I had nothing! This is not how I was expected to be treated on my trip to Cape Verde. If I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have taken those days off of school to struggle. On that same Thursday, my whole family struggled. All we wanted was a flight home and yet we got nothing. Running from one TACV place to another, we accomplished nothing. None of them helped us in any way. All they did was tell me to stop crying. One guy wouldn't even talk to us after we waited 5 hours to talk to him. His wife even told him that we were waiting for him but he told us that she never told him anything. He was in a rush to go to a meeting and didn't even acknowledge the fact that we were there. He didn't care about what happened. None of then did. That same day, we went to the airport in Praia again to see if we could catch the 2:30am flight on Friday morning to Portugal then from Portugal to back home. We were trying our best to see if they would help is pay for our flight but they told us they couldn't, knowing that we had no money! We tried every way we could to book a flight for that morning but we couldn't. It just felt like we were stuck on the island and couldn't get off. On Saturday, we took TACV from Praia to Sal then from Sal to Portugal. We waited for 5 people at Sal and I'm not even sure if they ever got on the plane. This caused us to be over an hour late and to almost miss our flight to Portugal. On Sunday, we waited for 1 person to board before taking SATA to arrive home in Boston. This vacation was a big disaster and I do not plan to ever take TACV to Cape Verde ever again!



about 11 years ago

8 / 10

TACV Cabo Verde Airlines review by Edson 2013-09-23


8 total reviews