Passenger Reviews


Karin Van sloyen

about 1 year ago

2 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Karin

Terrible airline. Had mechanical issue. Kept us on tarmac for 3 hours without much information. After three hours they cancelled the flight and we had to wait for another two hours to get our bags back. They put us up in a grotty and dirty hotel one hour from the airport. The food voucher didnt work and they cant get another flight for us until more than 24 hours from our original one. No staff available to help, no one answering the phone. The seats on the plane were tiny and the entertainment system was broken. Will never fly with them again.


Ivan Doumenc

about 1 year ago

3 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Ivan

I traveled from Canada to Europe to attend a parent funeral. My Condor flight got canceled due to a mechanical failure. That happens. However, everything that happened after was a nightmare and a disgrace. No one from Condor was available at the airport to help me rebook on an urgent basis. I was not able to speak to anyone. Condor staff just went AWOL. I ended up rebooking flights at my own expense using other companies so that I could make it on time to the funeral. When I called Condor after returning home to get a refund, Condor Customer service stone-walled me. They told me it would take 3 months (THREE MONTHS!!) for them to get back to me, and they refused to give me any status on my file. When I became insistent, the operator hung up on me mid sentence, not once, but twice. This means that hanging up on a customer is actually an acceptable policy with Condor Customer service. Do not use this company for any reason, even if they offer the cheapest fare. In case of a problem, they are organized to ensure that you will not see your money back.


Karin Martinelli

about 1 year ago

2 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Karin

Do not give Condor your money!!! They will grab it and leave you stranded! Because of a change initiated by the airline of the second leg of the trip I was denied boarding, Condor wouldn't take responsibility for the whole trip although they GOT PAID for the whole trip. I was told the only way I would be allowed on the plane was to pay for a brand new ticket for my mom and I. In what other industry do you get to keep the customer's money and demand to be paid again or you would deny them service??? Having lost the connecting flight I was forced to purchase an alternate trip at my own expense. I dealt with nasty customer service person in Germany who accused me of "not making an effort" to solve the situation. I provided a screenshot of the calls to the various airline companies involved - no use. The response they gave FlightHub's request for refund was that I was not entitled to reimbursement due to "no show". I provided copy of the airport parking receipt to expose their lie - no use.


Craig Lapp

almost 2 years ago

5 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Craig

Bottom line, spend the extra money and fly a better airline. I've traveled internationally for over 30 years. The service from Condor airline is the worst I've experienced . We filed a claim for a refund due to a delayed flight and after 4 months we are still being stonewalled. Our scheduled flight was on Aug. 26 from PDX to FRA Germany. The day of the flight Condor sent an alert that our departure was delayed 24 hours. That meant immediately changing airport transportation, a connecting flight and 2 hotel reservations. Then almost 1 hour later a second alert was sent that the flight was delayed 2 hours not 24 hours. We had to pay a premium to rebook the connecting flight. What a joke!


Doru Alexa

about 2 years ago

2 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Doru

The worst traveling experience in my 40 years on this earth. This company should be put out of business together with Lufthansa. After delaying my flight by 2 hours and missing my connection flight, Condor made me wait in the airport for 9 hours, during that time begging to talk to your repressentative to book me a room in a cheap hotel making me pay for my cab and many many more outrageous mistakes when all of this was Condor's doing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Traveling for 3 days because of Condor ! Shameful and disgusting! Go to hell and never contact me again! ps : you had the nerve to send me an email after this nightmare urging me to give you my money again for future vacations...such a disrespect!!!!!


Ana Chaud

about 2 years ago

4 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Ana

By far the worst possible airline from beginning to end. Condor attracts people by offering direct flights from smaller airports. The ONLY positive experience is the flight crew are kind despite their work conditions. The planes are in horrible shape. They are old, dirty and ill equipped. They offer ethernet cable connections, if needed! The airline lost my luggage on the return, which is happening often due to the current climate. They have no well established processes or protocol to handle these issues. Customer Support does not care. I heard from a former employee that it costs them too much to retain customers, so they don't put in the effort. And it shows. I was told my expectation to have the bag arrive on the same flight is unreasonable. The purpose of my review is to avoid others to pay for this type of service/ company. There are plenty of great airlines out there, and ones that actually care about service and retention. I know things are different at various countries, but in the US customer standards are a must, and Condor should not be allowed to operate and capture users from companies who are doing the work.


Lionel Cachin

over 2 years ago

2 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Lionel

Because of an issue on their website. I paid two times for two differents reservations on their website. I tried to call to cancell the second reservation and they ask me praticly the whole price just to cancell the second reservation i made because of their website. So they took my monney twice. So I also contacted them with the form on the website on 15.03.2022 and I'm still waiting an answer. They just ignored me. And I lost a lot of money. Number of reservations : 2537367 and 2537284


Sarah Fischbuch

almost 3 years ago

10 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Sarah

I was 100% impressed by my flights on Condor. Extremely polite, patient, and professional staff. Long story or short I raced to the covid testing station and got the test done as quickly as possible. Condor said my options would be to rebook tomorrow since I would miss the check in window. I was exasperated. The Condor associate said he would check me in without the negative test result done (he would personally do so and then check my test result at the gate). I was AMAZED. I rushed through security and ran to my gate (and within that time ~20 min I thankfully received my negative test result via email which I showed to the person at the gate). Thank YOU, Condor and to you kind associate who HELPED me get to my flight and showed me KINDNESS! Sarah


Klara Sailor

over 4 years ago

2 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Klara

No refund, after telling me for several times that my money will be there in 4-6 weeks! Never trust Condor! Corona is not my fault!!! So why give everyone the money back but not me???


Simona Vachalkova

almost 5 years ago

2 / 10

Condor Flugdienst review by Simona

I had the worst experience with CONDOR, i ended up crying. The flight ticket cost €1650 for economy class which is the highest rate i ever paid for the same time and rute. Dry nasty pasta which stinked, cabbage salad which stinked. Totally not worth even €1.Arriving to Munich, When I came to the entrance, the lady told me to show her return ticket. I kindly told her that i live in cancun thats why i dont have a return ticket. She said that i cant fly until i show her a return ticket!She sent me to a guy that was the rudest guy i have ever experienced.He even told me that he sent someone to get out my luggage out of the plane! They made us buy worthless flight tickets that we wont use! I asked for their complete names but they refused! Its not okay to yell at customers, traveling should be a pleasant time and not stress! I threw away €300. I dont expect anyone from Condor to even read it but i wanr to help someone not to have stress and throwing away their money.i wont travel with Condor

34 total reviews